Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing...

Hmmm... in spite of my best efforts, I'm just terrible at this whole blogging thing. And I'm writing this presuming someone is actually going to read it, even though I'm pretty sure anyone who has previous read this has given up on me long ago. I know I certainly did. But just in case, here's an update:

After taking three months off due to my back injury, I'm back to training for this new season. Absolutely nothing happened for me last season as far as competitions go. I was in so much pain with my back, that towards the end of the season it was decided that an injection was the next step. While I hope I NEVER have to do that again, it worked wonders. After the injection, I decided to take the rest of the season off to let my back heal as much as possible. This was very difficult because it meant not going to Nationals this summer. I rested, finished up physical therapy, and am now easing back into training. So far, no pain...and I've been able to sleep on my back for the first time since I was a child!

While my competitive results were lacking from this last season, that didn't keep me from growing in this sport. I increased my referee rating to a six, became a level three certified armorer, and was voted to a vice-chair position on the division board. This was all in addition to the classes I was teaching in Monroe and working with students to prepare them for the Blade tests.

This new season has some new challenges. I'm already overwhelmed in preparation for the Bladefest tournament. The tournament organizers applied for ROC status for this tournament and it was granted. This means it is now part of the qualifying path to Nationals and much more "official." I agreed to be the head armorer for the event and I'm also going to be competing. I'm also supposed to be developing the homeschooler fencing/PE program at the academy. With my ties to the homeschooling community and occasionally flexible schedule, I was asked to take on this project. With my usual competitive goals for this season, I'm also hoping to complete one more Blade test. I'm just two away from being finished with all ten...!

In addition to my fencing life, my "day" job has had its challenges as well. I finally was called to court to testify as an expert; it's good to have that first time experience out of the way! We've also transitioned to a completely new computer system for our database. This has been quite the challenge.

My car also died. So very, very sad...

Anyone want to place a wager on when my next post will be...?

1 comment:

  1. Who knows, but I think you should write a new post NOW :-) Congrats on your recent successes!
