Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing...

Hmmm... in spite of my best efforts, I'm just terrible at this whole blogging thing. And I'm writing this presuming someone is actually going to read it, even though I'm pretty sure anyone who has previous read this has given up on me long ago. I know I certainly did. But just in case, here's an update:

After taking three months off due to my back injury, I'm back to training for this new season. Absolutely nothing happened for me last season as far as competitions go. I was in so much pain with my back, that towards the end of the season it was decided that an injection was the next step. While I hope I NEVER have to do that again, it worked wonders. After the injection, I decided to take the rest of the season off to let my back heal as much as possible. This was very difficult because it meant not going to Nationals this summer. I rested, finished up physical therapy, and am now easing back into training. So far, no pain...and I've been able to sleep on my back for the first time since I was a child!

While my competitive results were lacking from this last season, that didn't keep me from growing in this sport. I increased my referee rating to a six, became a level three certified armorer, and was voted to a vice-chair position on the division board. This was all in addition to the classes I was teaching in Monroe and working with students to prepare them for the Blade tests.

This new season has some new challenges. I'm already overwhelmed in preparation for the Bladefest tournament. The tournament organizers applied for ROC status for this tournament and it was granted. This means it is now part of the qualifying path to Nationals and much more "official." I agreed to be the head armorer for the event and I'm also going to be competing. I'm also supposed to be developing the homeschooler fencing/PE program at the academy. With my ties to the homeschooling community and occasionally flexible schedule, I was asked to take on this project. With my usual competitive goals for this season, I'm also hoping to complete one more Blade test. I'm just two away from being finished with all ten...!

In addition to my fencing life, my "day" job has had its challenges as well. I finally was called to court to testify as an expert; it's good to have that first time experience out of the way! We've also transitioned to a completely new computer system for our database. This has been quite the challenge.

My car also died. So very, very sad...

Anyone want to place a wager on when my next post will be...?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Okay...this time...really...I promise...!

Stay tuned for the update of all updates on my past year. It will include exciting stories about teaching, private lessons, blades tests, more teaching, competing, my first gold medal (actually, first medal period), new rating, injuries (as always), and Summer Nationals. And maybe some stuff about work. And life. And if you're really lucky, I'll try and make it coherent and cohesive. But no promises...after all, I've got A LOT of ground to cover...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 blog posts...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Okay, I knew I had let my posting lapse, but this is rediculous!

Alright...really...honest...I'm going to write more often. Quite a bit has happened to me fencing wise and it really should be chronicled. And I could even write about work stuff. So, really. More posting to be had. Soon. But not now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sheesh, and one month later...

Busy, yes. But I'm finding I have plenty of time right now, because I'm laid up with a sprained ankle. Yeah. This last weekend was divisional championships and the three weapon tournament. First day, epee. I finished seventh and earned my E! Finally! So did my teammate ("The Wall") Jordan. It was a pretty exciting bout, especially since I had to beat my nemesis in order to letter. Second day, sabre and foil. Granted, I haven't done any sabre since January and I've never really done it was all just for fun. Sabre went okay. Had I been practicing more, I think I could have done better, but finishing seventh wasn't too shabby. They actually told me I had earned my E in sabre, but upon further research, they recanted. The event was missing another E rated fencer to make it a C1. So it was only a D1. *sigh* Oh well, I wasn't really trying to letter in sabre, but they did get my hopes up...a little... So sabre ended and foil was the last event of the day. It was interesting...I was really bad, but that's okay. However, during my last pool bout, I was retreating and my back ankle (left) rolled. I fell completely back and now have a very sprained ankle. I had to withdraw from the event (since it was foil I didn't really care, had it been epee, I would have fought tooth and nail to stay in) and got taped up and started icing. So my training will be slight modified for the next couple of weeks, but I should be fine for Nationals.

Speaking of Nationals, I'm also going to be doing the women's epee team event. Jo, Jordan, and I were all going to be there the day of the event, so we thought we might as well do it for the experience. Jo's going to be the captain since she has the most experience at national tournaments, and I think they want me to be the anchor. I'm not sure what I think about it, but I guess I'm up to the challenge. The anchor is responsible for being able to defend if we're in the lead and to create touches if we're behind. Basically, they go last in the rotation to ensure success. No pressure or anything...

Alright, I've got to go ice and elevate my ankle. Will try and write more before another month goes by...!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pardon my negligence...

Life's been crazy. Hence the lack of posting.

Where shall I start? I just finished week three of my class and I think they're doing great! Last week I wasn't able to be there because of work, but they seem to be progressing quite well. I think this next week I'll start them on the parries.

The next's going to be a doozy. Balestra, duck, bouncing, inquartata...*sigh* not unattainable, but it's going to be tough to have it all down by the end of the month. Oh yeah, and I have to write a paper (alright, here, for the first time, I will say it: Kevin's mean.) The footwork, the blade work, all doable. But a paper?! Blegh...

Let's see, tournaments... Had the unrated tournament last weekend...yeah, didn't do so well myself, but I'm very proud of all my teammates! Everyone won at least one bout and two of our new fencers medaled! Next tournament is the Rain City Open in two weeks.

Have to get going to open fencing, will write more later...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Busy busy...

I have much to write, but not enough time right now. Actually, right now I should be sleeping since I am to be at work tonight. I'll nap in a little bit...

Two weekends ago was the divisional qualifiers for Summer Nationals. I wasn't expecting much, just another tournament, really. But I placed third and qualified for div. 2 and div. 3 events. And I can't very well not go since I qualified and all it looks like I'll be making a trek to Dallas in July (I'm sweating just thinking about it...). I'll post more information concerning the qualifier later...

Testing. Passed the second "level" (Mind) and should be working towards the third. Only...I don't know what's on the third, yet... Got some good feedback from the coaches after testing, but nothing I didn't know or hadn't already been working on (I guess I come across stern and bossy while leading footwork drills...who, me? Noooo....).

The 1-2 and double (pronounced doo-blay). My current bane of existence. Well, that and parries. But I'll get to parries later... My fingers don't move fast enough. Two actions with the hand/fingers while executing one action with the feet. Seems simple enough; extend, lunge, two disengages, hit. Just basically avoiding my opponents blade. I've drilled it over and over with my coach, lesson after lesson. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. It helps if I do a hang lunge instead of a regular lunge, but my hang lunges need work too. Fingers only, small movement, up down, up down, hit. *sigh*

Alright, I've got to more later...